We allow visitors to submit reviews about colleges that appear in our listing. Reviews are subject to the following guidelines:
- All reviews are subject to moderation and removal without notice.
- If a rating is inconsistent with a review then it may be deleted.
- An average rating is only published once a business has received consistent ratings from different customers.
- If you review a business you must give it a rating.
- Colleges will be notified when a negative review has been submitted and they can choose to either publish the review or leave it unpublished.
- Ratings are based on a scale from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest.
- You should only submit a review if you have personal experience with the college.
- We do not accept reviews submitted by owners or employees of a college.
What shouldn't I post?
Behave as if you were a guest at a friend's home. Please treat the agarum.com community with respect. Do not post:
- Profane or obscene, inflammatory or spiteful comments
- Messages that abuse, denigrate or threaten others
- Text or articles written by someone else, even with attribution for the author, except for brief quotations from a book, article or other product related to the discussion
- Any personal information about children under 13
- Descriptions that intrude on the privacy of another person, including revealing personally identifiable information such as their name or address
- Text that promotes illegal or immoral conduct
- Repeated posts that make the same point excessively
- Repeated unwelcome messages that harass or embarrass other customers or participants
- Repeated posts that promote a college in the agarum.com site
- Any form of "spam," including advertisements, contests, or other solicitations for other websites or companies; or any URL link that includes a "referrer" tag or affiliate code.